Understanding where you are headed and why you are scanning Generally speaking, desktop scanning is most viable when you have active files with data that will continue to be needed, at least in the short term jordan heels. Back file scanning of archives has its place, but is usually relegated to larger scanning stations and their staff, or outsourced to scanning companies.
While back file scanning can be valuable for accessing historical documents as well as papers that support active files, desktop scanning has a more useful role in capturing data directly pertaining to active files lebron 9 for sale.Documents that are part of the active business cycle benefit from front-end scanning: in other words, capturing the data electronically before it enters the business process.
Desktop scanning puts information immediately into the hands of end users, who frequently benefit directly from the data collected Dwyane Wade Shoes. College enrollment forms, patient admissions, loan applications, and formal grievances are several examples of documents that are critical to business processes, and they contain active and useful data.
Such areas benefit tremendously from the secure ease of access and electronic search that an imaging and document management system provide.As you evaluate whether desktop scanning is likely to be a cost-effective solution, consider who needs access to the data, and how often. Do other departments request files or data from forms that result in time-consuming searches Will auditors, the court system, or compliance officers need access to the data contained on the forms to assess compliance or assist in electronic discovery If the data is useful to others within and beyond your business, desktop scanning is likely to be a cost-effective solution. It will save money and man-hours, providing business-critical data instantly and securely to those who need it.Establishing clear goals for your scanning project After you decide to engage in desktop scanning, the next step is to evaluate the document types you intend to capture, and determine who will need access to the data once it is stored. Although the need may appear to be isolated to your department, limiting the datas usefulness without examining company-wide needs is short-sighted. Consider the various document types that enter your office. Which documents are related, and which depend upon each other during the business process What information is typically used to associate documents with each other in the physical storage process What other departments rely on information contained in each of the forms Which information is sensitive and needs to be restricted to pre-authorized persons The answers to these questions will help you to establish a document scanning strategy that will maximize the usefulness of information to everyone in your organization who legitimately needs access.Getting started: best practices for effective desktop scanning1. Establish simple business rules that make sense to the end userIn some cases, desktop scanning equipment is operated exclusively by staff, and in other cases, it may be desirable to put the power of scanning into the hands of the customer. For example, a collegiate setting often affords students the opportunity to scan their own forms. One of the benefits of a desktop scanning solution is the ability to make it accessible for people who have limited technological savvy. When you (or your vendor) configure your desktop scanning software, make sure the end users choices are clear and simple, as they would be at an ATM machine. If multiple form types are routinely scanned, for example, the customer might select the document type from a drop-down menu which then automatically pre-fills other information pertaining to that form. Simplicity is the key to successful staff and customer adoption of the technology. 2. Scan images at a high enough resolution to maximize long-term valueDocument scanning must be done with a preservation mindset. Nothing substitutes for quality, and nowhere is this truer than with a scanned image. The future value of the document and its data will depend on the usefulness of the scanned image, so the required resolution must be care
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